MIZUKOSHI Keita | 2022 |
Data-driven projected WIMP sensitivity of XENONnT Experiment with neutron Veto pdf |
HIBI Hiroaki | 2022 |
Search for neutralino production in final states with low transverse momentum muon in pp collision at √s = 13TeVpdf |
ISHIURA Hirohisa | 2022 |
Development of low-background micro pattern gaseous detector for a directional dark matter searchpdf |
TAKEDA Kohsuke | 2021 |
Search for third-generation leptoquarks at √s=13 TeV with ATLAS detector pdf |
IKEDA Tomonori | 2020 |
Directional dark matter search with a low-background gaseous detector pdf |
HASEGAWA Makoto | 2019 |
Solar neutrino measurement in Super-Kamiokande-IV pdf |
KIDO Shogo | 2019 |
Measurements of the charge asymmetry in dilepton channels of top quark pair production in pp collisions at √s=13TeV with the ATLAS detector pdf |
HASHIMOTO Takashi | 2019 |
Development of low-background particle detector for a direction sensitive dark matter search pdf |
YAKABE Ryota | 2018 |
Direction-sensitive direct dark matter search with a three dimensional tracking gaseous detector pdf |
YAMANE Fumiya | 2018 |
Development of the Micro Pixel Chamber with resistive electrodes pdf |
CHEN Ye | 2018 |
Top-pair differential cross sections in pp collisions at √s=13TeV with the ATLAS detector pdf |
OKA Naoya | 2017 |
Search for solar Kaluza-Klein axion by annual modulation with the XMASS-I detector pdf |
HOSOKAWA Keishi | 2015 |
Search for dark matter annual modulation in XMASS-I detectorpdf |
KISHIMOTO Tomoe | 2014 |
Measurement of the Higgs boson production in the H->WW*->ℓℓ decay channel with the ATLAS detector at the LHC pdf |
KING Matthew | 2013 |
Reconstructing heavy long-lived charged particles with ATLAS detector pdf |
HAYAKAWA Takashi | 2012 |
A Performance Study on ATLAS Level1 Endcap Muon Trigger using 7TeV/c collision data pdf |
YANO Takatomi | 2011 |
Study of Neutrino Oscillation with the Off-Axis Neutrino Beam in T2K Experiment pdf |
OKADA Shogo | 2011 |
Search for charged stable massive particles in 7 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector at the LHC pdf |
OMACHI Chihiro | 2010 |
Study of muon trigger performances with the ATLAS detector at the LHC pdf |
KIYAMURA Hironori | 2009 |
Study of ATLAS LVL1 Trigger Performance Using Di-muon Events pdf |
ICHIMIYA Ryo | 2006 |
Development and study of the Level-1 Trigger System for the ATLAS EXperiment at the Large Hadron Collider pdf |
SUGIMOTO Takuya | 2006 |
Performance of Muon Trigger Chamber for ATLAS Detector and Development of the Cosmic Ray Test System pdf |
TANIZAKI Keisuke | 2004 |
The Geomagnetic Latitude Effect on Atmospheric Muons at Ground Level Altitude |
YAMATO Kazuhiro | 2004 |
Measurement of Atmospheric Antiproton Spectrum pdf |
IWASHITA Taiki | 2003 |
Indications of Muon Neutrino Oscillation in a 250 km Long Baseline Experiment ps.gz |
KANAYA Naoko | 2001 |
Search for Supersymmetric Particles with the OPAL Detector at LEP2 pdf |
KOHAMA Mitsuhiro | 2000 |
The Neutrino Beam Properties for Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiment in Japan |
SASAKI Makoto | 2000 |
A New Limit on the Flux Ratio Anti-He/He in Cosmic Rays |
MATSUMOTO Hiroshi | 1999 |
A Measurement of Cosmic Ray Helium Spectrum pdf |
ISHII Koji | 1998 |
Measurement of the mass of the W boson in e+e- collisions with the OPAL detector pdf |
NAKAMURA Isamu | 1998 |
Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson using the OPAL Detector at LEP2 pdf |
MOTOKI Masakazu | 1997 |
A Precise Measurement of the Flux of Atmospheric Muons and Antiprotons |
TANAKA Shuji | 1997 |
Search for Unstable Neutral and Charged Heavy Leptons in e+e- Collisions above Z0 Resonance at LEPpdf |
FUKUI Hideto | 1995 |
Study of the Neutral B meson Oscillations using the OPAL Detector pdf |